Monday 9 May 2011

Time to wake up

I've been rather remiss on my blog postings of late.

The running is still going on, in fact this morning's two miles was my 494th day of running at least a mile each day, and Sunday's run will (hopefully) be my 500th consecutive day.

I've had really different experiences from my morning runs over the past three days.

Saturday I felt more powerful running than I had in ages.

Sunday I ran 5K and my legs were still asleep when I finished.

This morning I felt pretty strong again.

I'm currently feeling a little challenged by how I'm going to manage my mile on Saturday the 21st (which should be day 506), as I'm due to have a procedure in the local hospital that day.

Someone told me at a conference on Friday, that they see me as someone who wakes people up.

Well, I know I do that pretty well for myself, albeit often with the help of either an alarm clock or a cat that wants me to feed her, and I frequently do it for the other members of my house, but I think she meant it in a slightly different way.

I like to think that I awaken others, and sometimes myself, to all the possibility that's out there all the time. It's just about allowing ourselves to see it.

As I asked myself on this morning's run, what could make this the best day of my life?

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