Friday 15 April 2011

The inexhaustible well

I ran my 470th consecutive daily mile this morning.

I've been struggling with a sore throat and cold for the past few days. I did think that telling people I hadn't even had so much as a cold since I started my mile-each-day might be tempting fate!

Oh well, it's good that it keeps being a challenge in one way or another.

There's a great quote I came across this morning from a book that I've started re-reading, Your Inner Coach by Ian McDermott & Wendy Jago. The quote goes,

"There's a whole world of wonder in you. It's like gaining access to a well that's inexhaustible, to a storehouse of power that's limitless. The more you dip in the more the water refills, because as you dip in and draw on it you stimulate it at its source."

I was thinking that something else that might be true is that the less you draw on that water, the less that the source is stimulated and therefore keeps in good working order. Also, water that just sits there and never flows in any way can become stagnant.

So, connecting to your subconscious, which I know I do when I run, is another great reason to run!

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