Monday 13 September 2010

The lick of the pony

I was staying in North Wales this past weekend. After a 5-hour drive through the Friday night traffic, I got up on Saturday morning, pulled on my gear and went out for a couple of miles to explore.

Once again my morning run completely set up my fabulous day.

I followed a trail that led through a kissing gate into a field where I unfortunately startled two small ponies.

I carried on running and talked to them calmly, at which point the smallest of them, which I later discovered was 4 months old, started trotting after me. I carried on talking to it and stopped, and it came up to me and started licking my arm. It was absolutely delightful.

As well as putting a huge grin on my face, I knew this would make my 13-year old daughter's day, if not weekend.

She went down to the field and fed the ponies carrots twice on Saturday and again on Sunday until we left Wales to journey home.

What a delightful experience, and, once again, thanks to my mile each day.

It made my local mile and a bit seem quite mundane this morning, but I know that my run every day is the stuff of extraordinary possibilities!

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