Friday 6 March 2015

Any body knows

When you've been injured or ill it can be incredibly frustrating when you start running again after a prolonged lay off.

As is often the case your mind is telling you one thing while your body is telling you something else.

I find that when the two are out of alignment invariably it's the body you need to listen to.

If you were to strap a heart rate monitor on, your body would tell you that although your mind is frustrated because you're running slower than before, your body's actually working harder than it did before you were knocked off course when you were running faster.

Similarly when you look outside and it's wet, windy, dark and unwelcoming, it's your mind that rebels against the idea of heading out for a run.

The more we learn to listen to our bodies and not let our heads dominate our decisions, the better we will be as runners and as effective functioning human beings.

Oh, and by the way, you know what's a great way to tune in to your body?

Go for a run with no technology, no music, no watch or any other gadget. 

Just run free with no plans and no expectations. 

Enjoy the thrill of your body moving and communicating with you the way it's supposed to.

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