Tuesday 3 March 2015

The light never goes out

When it's dark because it's night, because it's stormy, because it's winter, or because it's cloudy, the sun never goes out, it just becomes obscured from our view. This is even true in the Arctic when the sun doesn't appear for months.

It's the same with us humans. When the light seems to go out of our world, when things are really dark in our lives or we think we've lost our capabilities, our confidence or self belief we used to have when we were younger, it hasn't gone, it's just been obscured.

The light is always there. We don't have to start again or create a new light, all we have to do is find the light that's become obscured.

These late winter / early spring morning runs I'm having are great metaphors for that very thing. As I run these mornings, unless it's cloudy or stormy I can see the sky starting to slowly lighten up as the dawn gets nearer.

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