Sunday 1 March 2015

The power of team

As a coach, I'm often working with clients on my own and when I wonder whether I could have done things differently there's no one else to chat it through with. That's why most coaches use supervisors, and what works even better for me is supervision groups.

What I frequently learn from these groups is that when I feel that I must be the only one with these issues, I invariably discover that there are others who are thinking the same thoughts and feeling very similar feelings.

It's very empowering to realise that not only are there others who are in a very similar situation to you, but that there are others who have a different perspective and can provide some new ideas. 

It's also great that you are able to help colleagues who have different issues by shedding a slightly different light on a situation that they are challenged by.

Although I'm working on my own, it feels like I'm part of a team and that when I coach someone it isn't just me, I'm connected to my team of like minded people, who are right behind me.

Who is in your team?

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