Saturday 28 February 2015

Setting your sails

Thoughts from this morning's run -

What if everything is exactly perfect the way it is right now?

Actually how can it not be? Even if you think that it should be some other way, that it's not fair, that someone else has it exactly as it should be for you but you don't, when it comes down to it, right at this moment that isn't how it is.

If you think about it, it is the way it is and any energy fighting that current reality is energy that's being wasted. That doesn't mean that you can't make changes to make things better. 

Something that you do a second from now that starts you moving you forward to where you want to be is great, but there's no point resisting where you are now because right now it's not possible to be anywhere else. A second from now yes, but now no.

So how much more empowering would it be to think that everything is exactly where it's mean to be right now? That's not saying that you were always going to end up here, that fate decides and you have no power. You always have the power to make choices and fate also plays a part.

It's like that quote, "It's not the blowing of the wind that determines our destination, but the set of our sails."

So when that wind has suddenly changed direction blown you off course and knocked you over, that was meant to be, so be happy and reset those sails.

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