Saturday 12 February 2011

Counting my blessings

That has to be the slowest I've run, or more correctly limped, a mile and a bit in over a year. It was reminiscent of when I started my mile each day with both a groin strain and plantar fasciitis.

My left knee is extremely tender, especially going up any kind of hill as I'm finding it hard and painful to bend it.

I think the planned fifteen miles for tomorrow is extremely unlikely. It could even be the minimum mile.

It is quite a challenge to not get despondent, when it feels like I have taken several hundred steps backwards.

But I still felt lucky to be out there hobbling round my mile this morning anyway. After all there were two people out on the ice yesterday in wheelchairs being pushed round the rink, something I've never seen before.

Now maybe I could have got round my mile just as a quickly in a wheelchair this morning, but at least I didn't have to. I was still moving, powered by my own legs.

I can only count my blesssings. Each day I run is a new one.

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