Thursday 3 February 2011

My school sports rant

A one mile leg-stretcher this morning after a seven mile run with the Harriers last night, which I really enjoyed.

It would have been my Dad's 87th birthday today, but unfortunately he missed it by just over 32 years, but I thought of him nevertheless.

I was chatting with various people on last night's run.

One conversation, which wasn't the first time I'd heard this, was about how one runner hated all sports when she was at school, because she was made to feel that she was no good at it, and consequently avoided it at all cost.

My situation was very different. I was lucky in that I was quite good at a number of sports at school and therefore got the opportunity to play and thoroughly enjoy a number of sports.

I think that my love of physical activity is probably the main thing that I'm most grateful for from my entire school life.

I also think that it is crucial that everyone gains a real appreciation of how important and how much fun exercise and sports can be when they are at school, and I find it very sad when school does the very opposite.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not an anti-competition proponent in schools, in fact exactly the opposite.

I think that everyone at school should have the opportunity to participate no matter what their level of talent. They should be made to feel that they are absolutely good enough with whatever skill level they have.

They should also learn to enjoy striving to increase their current skill level further, and have fun doing it.

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