Friday 4 February 2011

Yay - four hundred!

Another "mile"stone. My 400th consecutive day of running at least a mile.

It feels good!

It was quite an early one this morning as I had a business networking breakfast, so I was back in the house by 6.00am.

It's always great (well, nearly) to get a head start on the day!

I had coffee with a friend and a business contact who has been very helpful to me over the years. He was telling me about a networking training session he attended yesterday, where the presenter's first words were, "Do you brighten the room when you enter it or when you leave it?"

I really like that line.

It illustrates nicely how we do infect others with our energy, whether it is positive or negative, when we walk into a room or even when we talk on the telephone.

My energy is pretty good today so I hope to be brightening the spaces around me, at least for today.

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