Saturday 26 February 2011

The perfect place

I ran my last gentle mile before tomorrow's half marathon this morning. I quite cleverly, I thought, managed to nip out between the rain showers.

Along with my running, the other reasonably regular action I take that really helps to focus and motivate me is my morning journal, where I do a brain dump of everything in my head for about 15 minutes with good old fashioned pen and paper.

I don't often do my journal on a Saturday, but this morning I felt that my head was rather full of "stuff" and that it might be useful to just get it all out onto paper.

This morning what came up when I was writing was the same old answer that I often come up with at times when I'm feeling tied up in knots.

What I wrote was, "What do I need to let go of? I need to let go of this not being the perfect place to be right now."

I don't know how many times when I've been struggling with something in my head, that this came up as the answer, and it's always completely liberating.

I also don't know why I forget that this is the answer. Somehow, if I just saw it written somewhere it wouldn't be enough. I seem to have to go through the process of finding it within myself.

But when I do, I feel lighter, happier and peaceful.

The old running and journal combo does it again!

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