Wednesday 2 February 2011

How many best days?

Cold again and quite misty this morning. I found myself adjusting my head torch to try and get a clearer view of the path ahead.

I started thinking, "I can't wait for the lighter warmer mornings."

Then I thought how much of my time I must spend waiting for time to go quickly until something that I perceive to be better or special comes.

Add that to the times when I look back with nostalgia at happy moments, days or experiences, and how much is left experiencing the present?

I am having experiences of life every moment of every day, but how often am I actually experiencing them? When I'm thinking of the future or the past I'm not experiencing what's there now.

So, maybe it is a bit cold, a bit dark and a bit misty, but today could possibly be one of the best days of my life. Any day could.

How will I recognise the possibilities and opportunities that flash before me when my mind is in a different time?

How many potential best days of my life have I missed before?

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