Tuesday 1 February 2011

A friendly place

Day one of my 14th month of my run-a-mile-each-day streak.

Read a free download of the first 4 chapters of "The Very Cool Life Code", a new book by a U.S. coach who I really admire.

The book reminded me of the whole quantum physics theory that everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies.

That includes people, mountains, water, buildings, trees, our thoughts and absolutely everything.

Energy that vibrates on a frequency automatically attracts other energy vibrating on that same, or a similar, frequency.

This means that our thoughts create our reality.

So the big question is, "Do you see the world as a friendly place?"

Apparently your answer to this question has a direct effect on your chances of being happy, successful and at peace with your life.

I definitely buy that idea!

And I bet it comes with free gifts :-)

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