Friday 18 February 2011

Gooey and idealistic

Back home again and a couple of miles under my belt in the fog this morning. I quite enjoyed the eerie feeling of running in the fog in the dark with the strange glow that my head torch created.

I have discovered from Daniel Pink's book that apparently I am a Type I and my "behaviour promotes greater physical and mental well-being. So that's good, isn't it.

It was funny how yesterday morning I posed the question, "Is it because I'm an idealist and lack realism?"

Later in the day I discovered that Mr Pink thinks I don't lack realism, which is also very reassuring.

He says, "Some might dismiss notions like these as gooey and idealistic, but the science says otherwise. The science confirms that this sort of behaviour is essential to being human - and that now, in a rapidly changing economy, it is also critical for professional, personal, and organisational success of any kind."

So, it looks like I might be on the right track after all. :oD

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