Tuesday 18 January 2011

Island communication

Isn't the human body amazing how it recovers so quickly, even at my age?!

I felt so much looser on this morning's run and was a lot faster. Yesterday it really was a plod as my legs were stiff and achy.

I know they suggest you have a rest day after an especially long run or a fast speed or interval session, but I reckon my gentle mile a day works as well as a rest day with the added advantage that it allows me to give my sore legs a gentle warming up.

The next stage towards my 13.1 miles doesn't seem quite so bad now.

I had a really enjoyable day yesterday interviewing a couple of people and being interviewed, which was all being filmed, on the subject of wellness.

I learned quite a lot about caveman wellness, health wealth, toxic gotchas, and the five love languages.

The other thing I thought on my run this morning, is that although I'm highly trained in the art of listening, it's so much easier really listening to someone with whom you don't have an emotional attachment because it's all about them.

As soon as you listen to a partner, child, family member or work colleague, what you hear becomes about you, even if it's not, and that's harder to listen to.

I liked the metaphor about communicating on each other's "island" and leaving your own "stuff" on your own island.

I learn something new every day!

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