Monday 24 January 2011

Lessons from the birds

The birds seemed to be extra happy this morning while I was running, at least it sounded like they were singing louder and more beautifully than usual.

Maybe they liked the mild morning, or maybe the volume and tunefulness of their singing has nothing to do with how happy they are.

But their apparent chirpiness had the effect of brightening my morning and making me feel happier.

This got me thinking how my behaviour, and whether I'm acting upbeat, cheerful and having fun, or whether I'm showing that I'm fed up, stressed, and angry doesn't just affect me.

It can actually affect all those around me, and possibly, if it brightens their mood, they might in turn affect others.

Anyway, the stiffness in my legs noticeably eased during my mile and a bit, which is really good.

Time to be chirpy and see if I can brighten the day for those I meet today.

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