Monday 19 January 2015

Anything is possible

After my challenging run of yesterday I was reminded again this morning of the miraculous power of rest and recovery.

The first time I realised the amazing power of rest was a few years ago on a running club tour.

I had just run 20 miles in a day, including going up and down cliff paths.

I'd finished but I could hardly walk at the end of it. That night at dinner, and when I went to bed, every muscle in my body ached, crying out for rest. 

I knew that night that there would be no possibility, even if I wanted to, of joining the runners the next day. And believe me there was nothing I wanted less than to run the next day. I would definitely have a leisurely stroll with my poor aching body, with the walking contingent.

What astounded me was that after starting to walk for a little while the next morning, I couldn't help it but I had a desperate urge to join the runners, and I ended up doing just that.

I even ended up running strongly for several miles.

This all goes to prove two things.

One is that rest is a miracle cure. Give it the chance to work its magic by getting plenty of sleep. It can literally take years off how you feel over night.

The other thing is that our minds are constantly telling us that it's not possible for us, but that's only part of our mind, the one that likes to play it safe.

Do what you can to quiet it and you may hear another part of your mind that will tell you that anything is possible.

And it is...

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