Friday 18 November 2011

A little a day

This morning at the end of my run, looking at the time I took, I realised that the past few mornings I've started getting slightly faster.

Now, I'm talking dipping under ten minute miles here, so I'm not exactly talking fast, but it's a time I haven't been able to get to since my knee injury in June.

But the point is I hadn't really noticed the change. It was only when checking my GPS watch device that I realised that there had been a shift.

When you do something consistently day after day, each day on its own is not a big deal, but the cumulative effect does make a big difference.

As stated in the excellent books Bounce and Outliers, it takes somewhere near 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery in any complex activity or sport.

So, if there's something that you want to get better at, my formula is a little every day will make a real difference, eventually.

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