Monday 14 November 2011

The miraculous body

This morning on my run, and after in the shower, I was thinking about how much I take for granted.

For example, my running glove won't fit over my heavily bandaged right ring finger so this morning I had to have it loosely pulled over the end of my hand and flapping about.

In the shower I had to tie a plastic bag over my right hand, so as not to get the bandage wet, and wash with my left hand. Something that feels very foreign to me.

And all this because I'm trying to protect the end of one finger so that it can repair as quickly as possible.

I'm sure that once it's better, this will all be forgotten and I'll be taking the use of all ten fingers and thumbs for granted once again.

But while I'm having to do things, and think about them, slightly differently, it's an opportunity to marvel at what incredible miracles our bodies are.

The thought that under my bandage, my finger is (hopefully) regenerating itself after I made a bit of a mess of it, and I'm not even having to think about that or plan how I'm going to heal it.

My body heals itself and my conscious mind is completely unaware of it happening.

It's a thought for those people who say things like "I hate my body".

Whatever shape, size or colour your body is, it is truly awesome and miraculous.

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