Sunday 27 November 2011

Your balance isn't mine

I ran 5.5 miles very gently this morning.

I hope I'm not overdoing it too soon.

Checking my iPhone log of my runs, it says that today my overall mileage, since I started on 1st January 2010, just clicked over the 1,500 miles total.

The word that kept coming up for me on this morning's run was 'Balance'.

I know that I love being around people, and I also love my own space.

I love music, and I also love silence and tranquility.

I love energetic activity, and I also love relaxing and chilling out.

Life is all about finding the right balance.

I used to struggle with opposites.

It made me confused, wondering why I couldn't work out which end of the spectrum I really liked. Surely one of them was the right one for me and I was just kidding myself on the opposite that also had appeal.

I thought it made me indecisive.

But now I understand that like day and night, hot and cold, breathing in and breathing out, life is all about a combination of differing extremes and tastes, and it's about finding the right balance between those extremes.

And it's also about finding the right balance for me.

The balance that is right for you and anyone else isn't necessarily going to be the right balance for me.

I have to find my own balance.

Then it works for me.

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