Thursday 20 October 2011

What are you thankful for?

I have a daily ritual on my morning runs.

I say a thank you in my head for having another morning of life, and a thank you for, once again, being able to run. Then I will say a few more things that I'm thankful for.

Sometimes, though, I find myself almost ticking off a list of things that I say thank you for every day.

When I get into this pattern, it tends to lose its meaning. It just becomes something that I'm supposed to do, and then I've done it and can move on to the next thing.

When I realise that I'm in this rut, then I ask myself questions about what I might have noticed yesterday and what I'm expecting that I might encounter today, and what about those things I'm grateful for.

It makes it all "real" again for me.

This morning I was thankful for the lovely cold, crisp morning.

I was also thankful for the fact that when I attend networking meetings, I usually find it quite a struggle when I first get there, but once I engage in conversation with someone about something real about their life, rather than just idle chit chat, I really enjoy it.

What are you thankful for today?

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