Saturday 15 October 2011

What else?

When I read personal development books, which I do fairly often, I always have good intentions to do the exercises in them. However, what usually happens is that I want to read on, so I plan to come back to the exercises and then never do.

Right now I'm reading Michael Bungay Stanier's "Do More Great Work", and I'm religiously working my way through the exercises.

I can highly recommend the book by the way.

Michael uses the most often used coaching question, "What else?" a lot.

"What else?" is a fantastic question for expanding your thinking.

Most of us come up with an idea and then immediately decide to go with that idea.

It is far more useful and powerful to keep exploring other ideas before making a decision.

It gives you more confidence in your decision to know that you have explored a number of options and the one you choose feels like the best of the bunch.

It is also much more powerful to ask "What else?", as opposed to "Is there anything else?"

"Is there anything else?" implies that there could well not be anything more.

"What else?" carries with it an implication that there is something else, and requires an examination to make sure there is nothing more.

What else could you be doing with your life right now?

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